Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So the Polish elections ended in the expected run-offs. No surprise there, since there was little hope of any one Presidential Candidate getting more than 50% of the vote. Now there are two, the leaders of the "liberal" and "conservative" parties, though the "conservative" reads better as the "status quo, with lots of small talk and diversionary policies avoiding the real issues" party. Its solution to the country's problems involve radical centralization of government, renationalization of industry, regaining government control over healthcare, and focusing people's attention on abortion, hand-outs to the poor (from funds that the country doesn't have), etc. There is a moderate movement in the country to mobilize the young, so that they go and vote, so that KaczyƄski doesn't make it into office. If he does, he and his twin brother (leader of the party that won the most votes in congress) would basically lead the entire country. We might as well go back to a monarchy system, or straight to a Belorussian style dictatorship for what it would be worth.
What I have trouble understanding is why people would consider him, when it's clear from just looking at the man that he's a bastard. Beady little eyes in a fat, gluttonous face, a fake smile, and dishonesty in his look. And yet, the church, the elderly, and various other "less educated" as the media indicate based on polls, all are drawn to him, and think he'll be the best choice for the country. All I see is a return to the fat bastards who ran the country during the Commie era. Enough of that! We need to progress, not regress. These last 15 years have been very tough for Poland, but it's showing signs of progress, even significant ones, and a misstep now by the population will cause years of additional pain and some regression. Poland is one of the biggest nations in the EU, and as such can be a significant addition to the Union. It's hampered by its history, but that is changing, and this may later be seen as the biggest mistake the country made, if the "conservative" wins. The vote is this coming Sunday. I've already sent mail to everyone I know to go out and vote. I hope the current margin of victory that Tusk has remains. It's somewhere around 14%. Not ultra comfortable, but even 1% will be enough to win. Hell, even one vote will be enough to win. Keeping the fingers crossed!

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